Make Yourself

I Lost Attraction When I Found Out She Had Kids

I Lost Attraction When I Found Out She Had Kids
Cute younger woman who works in a local health store I was going to. I found myself thinking about her a lot and we had a good banter going for the past few weeks I've been going there.

I was chatting with her the other day checking out again and she throws in that she's working this weekend because she doesn't have her kids ( yes as in more than one) and she likes to work when "their father has them".

This was the one thing I wasn't expecting. I was expecting maybe she had a boyfriend...or perhaps was just being overly friendly to me. Now, I think based on the things she's dropped the past few times we've chatted is she's laying out the facts of her life on the table so I will know "upfront" all about her before I ask her out and I do think she does want me to ask her out.

Anyway, I spent the rest of that day trying to process the fact that she had kids. Then, after I slept on it, I realize I've lost a lot of attraction. I really don't think about her near as much as I was. In my mind, it's as if she's 'damaged goods'. I even imagine how her body must look like without clothes now that she's had two kids. Incidentally she looks good and slim with clothes on. Is this common? I don't think I'm being shallow....I just think there are certain men who don't care about this and certain men who do. Obviously, I'm one who does. I don't want to "settle". Too bad, she is cute and pretty cool though.



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