Make Yourself

Leadership Qualities List

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This leadership qualities list describes the top qualities that a person should have to be a good leader. The first one is "know yourself", which means the person should feel easy and comfortable in his/her character or role. The person should have the qualities to make and evaluate decisions based on true facts. The impact of the decisions will be assessed. His/her decisions will help the society to improve. Next quality of the leadership qualities list is honesty. It should be with forthrightness for a good leader, it will make the people confident to rely on him. He should say what he means; he should mean what he says.

Situational awareness is the next quality of the leadership qualities list. It means the person should have the ability to realize a situation; how the people are realizing or feeling the situation. This quality will help the person to handle a situation successfully. Next one is fairness. The person should be fair in all of his tasks and decisions; he should always try to perform the right thing. He will earn whole hearted support from his subordinates and the people. This quality of the leadership qualities list will lead him to become successful.

The person should have the ability to understand the facts properly depending on the information known as research. Among the qualities of the leadership qualities list, this is a completely critical ability to become a successful leader. In some cases, you should let yourself -- to be led. Sometimes people may like to go through a particular direction, you should have the ability to recognize such situations. This is a very critical ability, as you will have to realize the outcome of going through the direction in advance. People should not be led to a wrong direction. So, you will have to select wisely who will lead you in a particular situation. These qualities stated in this leadership qualities list are very much important for good leadership skill.

More qualities can be added to this leadership qualities list, but the qualities stated above are must for becoming a good leader. Among other qualities some major qualities are dedication, humility, creativity, and sense of humor. To achieve something special and great dedication is needed. A good leader tries to raise everyone. In some situations, sense of humor can relieve tension. If you can achieve these qualities stated in this leadership qualities list you will become a successful man.


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