Are you one of these people? Do you often say to yourself, "Why am I like this all the time?" or "What can I possibly do to bring out the best in me?" I'm quite certain there are many things you want to do with your life. You may want to visit many places, you may want people to admire your talent and recognize you for your skills, you may want to have more money to buy more things, or you may simply want to be loved by someone special. However, all of these will not be possible if you don't pay attention to the most important element that can make all of these things happen. That element is you.
The following items are some common techniques I've learned when I was trying to find ways to boost my own self-esteem. All of these techniques can have powerful effects on your mind, and your mind is the tool you're going to use to make significant changes to yourself. Let's proceed, shall we?
As social beings, humans are deeply inclined to imitate one another. Little children most often learn to copy their parent's behavior. Teens try to mirror the physical appearance of famous celebrities and musicians to get in with the latest trend. More mature individuals emulate scientific, political, historical, and other societal figures. Quite too often, people get stuck in the mush of social roles without being aware of how these roles affect their lives.
Have you recently asked yourself what kind of role you are trying to play within your social environment? Archetypal simulation, as complex as it may sound, is an influential factor in the development of human behavior. This means that the kind of people you look up to, the traits they have, and the characters they reveal in front of everyone, including you, have a great effect on your mind and inner self-esteem.
Autosuggestion works by sending out commands to your autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system or ANS is the part of your nervous system that operates principally below the level of consciousness. You may be familiar with the terms placebo-effect and self-hypnosis. These are just some of its derivatives, but ultimately the purpose of these methods is to give you results by changing your beliefs.
Our beliefs rest inside our superego or between the unconscious and the conscious part of our minds. By repetitively suggesting an idea or a belief to yourself, you communicate with your preconscious mind and it responds by believing your thoughts to be true. Hence, if you constantly remind yourself that you are RICH, FAMOUS, WEALTHY, POPULAR, ADMIRED, or SUCCESSFUL, that red pill that Morpheus is holding might actually make your dreams come true.
Similar to autosuggestion, another mind power technique that can boost your self-esteem is the use of mantras. A mantra is the religious/spiritual counterpart of autosuggestion. Mantras are the verbal repetition of sounds or the mental repetition of thoughts. In church rituals, people don't know that they are chanting mantras when they offer their songs of praise. In yoga, people use the word "OM" and repeat it several times during meditation. In satanic rituals, well, let's just not mention anything about it.
Anyway, if you're running out of natural methods and you can't think of anything else to help you enhance your self-esteem, a minor deviation by using traditional methods may likely be suitable for you.
Visualization is one of the basic techniques you can also use to boost your self-esteem. When the movie The Secret was released, more people have become aware of visualization and the useful benefits it offers in changing people's lives. It may sound cheesy, but athletes all over the world have been using the visualization technique for several decades already. If they can use it to win medals in the Olympic Games, it's clearly possible that you can use it to achieve your own goals.
If you want to try this technique for yourself, just imagine having the kind of characteristics you desire. To make the effect stronger, include the five senses while you are doing this exercise. For example, imagine what you will look like once you've reached your goal (visual), imagine the positive comments people will be saying about you (auditory), imagine the nice clothes you will be wearing (kinesthetic), and imagine the aroma and the taste of the food that you will be eating (olfactory and gustatory).
Many people neglect their own bodies and then complain how miserable they feel when, in fact, their issues are physical in nature. Sometimes people think they don't have enough energy to complete a given task, and then they rant about not being able to do anything meaningful. Sometimes people feel they are ineffective because they can't think of any useful ideas to change their lives. These people just need to breathe and relax.
Aside from the benefits it could give to your health, breathing and stretching techniques are widely used by people to liberate the mind and the self. It has its roots in an eastern religious tradition, particularly yoga. Your brain, as well as other parts of your body, needs a steady supply of oxygen to be fully functional. Yoga practitioners have a method called pranayama which means "restraint of the prana or breath"." The science behind this is that the cells in our body release toxins through the air that enters our lungs. A person who practices the proper form of breathing through pranayama is certain to have healthy cells, which therefore leads to a healthy body and a healthy mind.
Another way to improve your body's vitality and energy is through postures and positions, which yoga practitioners call asana. I tried to reduce the methodology to an exercise by calling it stretching, but if you want to know more about the powerful effects of asana and its other uses, check out my article on Raja yoga.
There are people who associate concentration with the toilet bowl. I don't know why that happens and I surely don't want to concentrate on that thought.
Seriously speaking, however, when you spend enough time concentrating, you will start to get a lot of significant thoughts about the subject of your attention. I do this all the time when I write. When people ask me how I'm able to write all of this stuff, I just tell them that I exert a tremendous amount of effort sitting on toilet bowls.
Wen you begin to develop the habit of concentrating deeply upon yourself, you will start to realize facts about your own character. Ideas will start entering your thoughts and memories about your past experiences will start flashing inside your head to offer you solutions to the problems that you have at present.
In ancient spiritual traditions, people use meditation to reach higher states of consciousness. They do this by preventing the mind from generating any thoughts. Of course, this is not something you impose upon your mind because it defeats the purpose and is self-contradictory. Meditation is something you practice everyday and you don't force yourself while doing it. You set your mind still by focusing on a single thought, an object, a word, or a prayer. When you get distracted by any other thought inside your head, simply acknowledge it then bring your attention back to the object you're meditating on.
Rarely do we find time to pay attention to our innermost source of strength which is ourselves. Remember that you are spiritual in nature and the most powerful technique that will truly let you attain a higher self-esteem is to communicate with your inner self.
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