Started in 1960, the swordfight was open to young women ages 13 to 17. The beater standard a cloud of amazing prizes -- some of which are knock down on this corridor form that appeared in Reducing in Affection #100 (JULY 1968).
DC repeatedly ran advertisements for the amusement park and smoothly provided cut-out coupons for the park in their comic books. DC's say with the park didn't end give, hitherto. The July 1968 issue of Girls' Romances (#134) featured the three pane story, "PRINCESS -- AMERICAN Lane" about Miss American Teen-Ager beater, Michele Patrick as interpreted by John Rosenberger.
Wow! A 5,000 wardrobe? That is the indistinguishable of over 30,000 today! That would buy a wonderful lot of clothes! But that wasn't all for the favorably beater...
How stimulating it hardship embrace been to be Miss American Teen-Ager! They unswerving sang a song to you because of the pageant! Sleestak over at Noble, That's My Start posted on this story a few living ago and standard a group of surefire great explanation from ladies who had been involved in the swordfight at separate points because of its run. Be indubitable to read them!
Fix A Passionate WEEKEND!
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