4.1% [t341] reu student REU Site reu program apprentice whoop it up faculty mentor graduate school undergraduate student summer program reu participant ethic services want ad draft analysis survey weekly recruiting lab milieu...
2.2% [t213] engineering education oilrig ASEE education Assist engineering technology college engineering undergraduate engineering american society engineering courses course outline engineering faculty engineering curriculum engineering discipline civil engineering accreditation engineering problem invention student engineering profession...
2.0% [t370] nanotechnology nano nanoscale nanoscience nanomaterial nanoscale science NUE machine nanomanufacturing nanostructure micro nanodevice nanoelectronic nanosystem nanofabrication nanoscience nanotechnology concept nano scale education Nanotech...
1.8% [t810] teacher RET ret program experience teacher high school whoop it up ret site lab ret participant summer experience school teacher laboratories appendage graduate student six week science teacher summer program k 12 teacher faculty mentor services...
1.3% [t657] student learning accepted wisdom analysis survey skill learning outcome instructional PBL precision active learning rubric instructor proportion assessment tool upshot assessed pedagogical learning style learning objective learning material...
1.2% [t205] course outline bough skilled apprentice accepted wisdom course material class teach semester on hand curricula capstone acquaint with instructor sequence new course non-compulsory fall course student opening...
1.0% [t845] teacher course outline lesson middle school lesson plan professional development education supply instructor school district teach accepted wisdom student teacher high school stage curricula field K 12 participating teacher teacher training...
1.0% [t821] oilrig college engineering ECE coe SWE society women Development national society women engineering black engineer point draft Hispanic professional engineer women industry NSBE undergraduate student underrepresented group cream of the crop...
0.8% [t872] analysis evaluator survey external evaluator whoop it up evaluation plan summative evaluation test upshot data collection focus group get in the way formative summative influential precision timeline capital program evaluation total announce...
0.8% [t738] fixed invention entrepreneurship entrepreneurial entrepreneur commercialization companies venture businesses spread around economic development start up company technology transfer business plan influence enterprise incubator intellectual property small business...
0.7% [t34] material science synthesis physic MRSEC services MSE nanomaterial machine nanoscale nanostructure thin film electronic presidency chemical advanced material polymer strict new material laboratories nanostructured...
0.7% [t743] skill manipulate champion milieu education trace world community additional secure personal ardor passion creative epigrammatic class confidence enthusiasm mind instant...
0.7% [t298] sustainability sustainable sour life cycle environmental impact LCA financial raw discharge sustainable development environmental sustainability enthusiasm product strict global technologies social influence shipping milieu...
0.6% [t340] instructor class accepted wisdom exam transfer semester grounding classes bough exercises upshot unspoiled input tutorial stage opening teach skilled peer grading...
0.6% [t128] enthusiasm renewable energy electricity technologies renewable encourage fossil fuel alternative energy sustainable energy come forth power energy system financial discharge sustainable energy source clean energy shipping restrain oil...
0.6% [t17] retention age group freshman freshmen conscription peer initiation education high school graduation rate retention rate within apprentice fall semester advising GPA learning community enrolled exposition...
0.6% [t189] stakeholder understanding education organization intermingle community leadership secure practitioner raid duty best practice key action communication strategic expert venture communities structure...
0.5% [t11] internship course outline credit influence certificate skill fixed degree program coursework certificate program graduate program employees line up draft employer expenses non-compulsory industry leadership age group...
0.5% [t185] power load clear power system keep a tight rein on voltage exciting smart grid generator power electronic electric power power grid sign over disseminated converter relief inverter electricity microgrid unoriginality...
0.5% [t484] semester skill oration student learn companion see writing weekly student participate proposition program student spring semester want ad bough undergraduate student written participating student student required pressed venture...
0.5% [t18] expenses Dean understanding management control Agenda Manage cream of the crop fund get in the way institutional leadership enthusiasm Provost strip of wood influence epigrammatic Vice President executive committee steering committee...
0.5% [t671] subsystem modeling physical test bed disseminated complex system system level problems system engineering influence accepted wisdom practicing integrated digestion reconfiguration system performance structure common sense milieu connected...
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