The commonly held image of the "Bad-boy Alpha Male" is one of a leather jacket wearing, Harley-riding, tattoo-sporting unemployed man in his late-twenties or early to mid-thirties. He has no problem walking where he wants, saying whatever over-the-top thought comes to mind, and generally violating social taboos every chance he gets (a slight exaggeration). His attitude is one of confidence, crassness, and, in some cases, competence. The Alpha doesn't necessarily have to be good at anything, all he needs is the ability to smooth-talk his way into a woman's bedroom for him to have everything he really wants. One-night stands are his modus operandi, though a long-term relationship (LTR) is not out of the cards. Bars and clubs is where he'll usually be found when he's picking up women, but he is by no means confined to those locales. Ancient incarnations of him would be a pirate, a viking, a mercenary, or a corrupt prince.
That is the bad-boy alpha male. Now, what does the delta provider male look like?
The Delta Provider Male is your average, everyday man trying to make his way in the world. They are the middle class of the real world in that they form the vast bulk of society--roughly 75%--and are the foundation of the nations. The provider comes in many forms, but the usual image of him is a family man: he has a wife of about the same age or younger, some kids, a house in the suburbs, a decent-paying job, a 401k, and a church that he attends. Probably the most identifiable image of him would be that of an office worker in a suit and neatly combed hair. The Delta does not make waves, is not likely to initiate a divorce, is not likely to commit crime, occasionally attends a bar with friends, and is an all-around decent person to rely on. They make up the core of a society, it's soldiers, it's managers, it's workers, and it's dreamers. The Provider male is pretty much every man that is currently married or wants to get married. Ancient incarnations of him would be the soldier, the merchant, or the farmer.
You may be asking yourself why it's asserted that the bad-boy is picked over the provider, and the answer is simple: the bad-boy is more interesting. Women love a man that makes them expect excitement and danger. Despite their love of security and safety, they feel safest in the arms or presence of an alpha male, regardless of the circumstances that may surround them. An alpha projects competence and fearlessness, and that triggers in a woman's mind the feeling that he is a strong and capable provider. You see, it's not the idea of a provider male that they're against--biologically they're hard-wired to find provider's attractive--on a conscious level they see him fearlessly confronting (or insulting) another man and getting away with it and subconsciously they perceive this as "capable provider."
A bad-boy alpha male may or may not be a good provider--all too often they are not--but that is irrelevant to the very present feeling that dominates a woman's mind: he just "feels" right. All of the subconscious cues, signals, micro-emotions, and actions are sent through the complex filter of a woman's mind, processed, and sent back to her to be perceived as a "feeling". It's effective for getting the message across, as mankind is ruled by his feelings. If he does not feel right, she will 99 times out of 100 not go for him, no matter the size of his portfolio or the cut of his hair. On every discernible level he may be the perfect match for her, satisfying every financial and intellectual need of hers, but on an emotional level (the one that really sets a woman's heart a-tingle) he may not satisfy that very real and very important need: the need to feel attraction.
What the provider does not understand is that the bad-boy is more attractive because he knows how to set a woman's emotions and feelings going for him. Most bad-boys are filled with arrogance or confidence (the two are not the same thing), possess higher levels of testosterone, generally work-out or are in decent shape, and survive by their wits. The provider male is, as I said before, your Average Joe and not particularly exciting or interesting. Most people lead boring lives, it is a fact. While women are young and attractive, they want to "have some fun" and by that they mean sleep with exciting men. When they're older and their looks don't carry them anywhere near as far as they used to she's ready to settle for a provider, but by the the provider will have found someone else or look for the best deal. For the providers: fear not! As you get older your options increase, whereas for women, when they get older their options decrease.
If this system seems unfair, keep in mind that the way this is currently done has only been around for the last four or five decades. For most of human history, the provider was the one that had the most women, while the bad-boy was usually shunned. The link between bad-boy and alpha was less closely connected back then as well, since men were more socially dominant and successful than women. Marriage depended less on who could talk a good game and more on who could walk a good game. Whereas the bad-boy's talent depends much on what he says, the provider's depends on what he can do. If it came down to who could survive, both would be equal, but the provider would know how to thrive. Understand that I am not coloring all alphas under the brush-stroke of "useless bad-boy", but chances are if you see one, he's an alpha or a pseudo-alpha.
There are many providers out there that do not fall under the class of Delta, a good number are Alphas and know how to spark a woman's heart like a keg of dynamite. That really is the trick that the provider's miss out on: be interesting! The bad-boy's only trick is that he, at the very least, "looks" interesting and can talk it up. Doing interesting or dangerous things--like owning a motorcycle, building a car, being confidently reckless--is half the battle won already. As you do more things and succeed at them, your confidence will increase and it will show in how you carry yourself and how you talk. Your status as a provider will become overshadowed by your attitude of one who succeeds at whatever he sets his mind to. That mentality is very alpha-esque, and therefore, very attractive to women. Do not forget this: if you want to be in a relationship with an attractive woman, you must first make yourself attractive. If that involves you changing the way you dress or talk, so be it. Repeated actions turn into habits, which then turn into a part of who you are.
We were all born to be Alphas. It's high-time the men of the West reclaimed that destiny.
Labels: become an alpha male human alpha male characteristics alpha male definition alpha male dominance alpha male personality alpha male means australia online dating on line dating tips online dating articles
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