Make Yourself

I 18 M Fell In Love With My Bf 18 F

I 18 M Fell In Love With My Bf 18 F

Now before anyone starts going on about friend zone and women aren't slot machines hear me out.

I have known this girl for about three to four years now. During that time she has been in a consistent relationship with another guy, who is also a really good friend of mine. We started off as just friends, and kept that way for a long time. About three or so months ago I realized that I had developed feelings for her. I cared a lot about her, more than really anyone else, and I love spending my time just being with her.

About three weeks ago I took her out for coffee and told her what I felt. She said that she kind of figured ( guess I wasn't that subtle) and that she feels bad, but doesn't like me like that. Which I totally understand, and I didn't think she would. I just wanted it to get out in the open so nothing weird happens between us.

Ever since then though she's acted a lot different. It may just be me, but she constantly puts her legs on mine smiles if I rub them or something. Or she sits next to me on the couch even if I'm almost on the edge and starts cuddling. Almost every conversation we have, she brings up that I'm single, or that I love her. Whenever I bring this up she acts like nothings different.

I still love spending time with her, but I'm just generally confused at this point and it's causing me a lot of stress. Any advice?

Tl;Dr; I told my best friend I loved her, now she started acting flirty around me. Any advice?

I [18 M ] fell in love with my bf [18 F]



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