Here it goes. On mobile so sorry for any bad formatting.
I've always been really oblivious as to what women think of me. To the point where I often wont put 2 and 2 together until someone tells me up front.
Because of this obliviousness I've been single all my life despite being boyfriend material (according to some).
Recently I was told by a female best friend that someone in her class [Felicity] thought I was the bee's knees (not her words). I knew [Felicity] but had no idea prior to this (obliviousness strikes again).
Fast forward and I'm going to a party with a group of friends [Felicity] included. After drinking for a while [Felicity] comes onto me, tells me straight up how she feels and blah blah blah, I spent that night in her bed with her.
[Felicity] really wanted to jump me but I didn't let her because we were drunk (and I had never done this before). We woke up the next morning with not that much awkwardness and she drove me back to my place after a little bit.
As someone who has never even dated anyone, let alone slept with them. I'd like to try the whole relaionship thing but I have no idea how to proceed and I have NO CLUE as to what the social code would dictate I do next. I feel like I skipped Sexual Relationships 101. Can you redditors give me advice?
TL;DR: Single and still virgin sleeps with someone and has no idea what to do next. Advice?
I'm a freshman [18M] who slept with a Junior [20F] and I've never done this before. What should I do next?
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