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Construction Of Successful Positive Daily Affirmations
By Hamsa Cremers Daily affirmations are statements that state a positive outlook in life. These statements enhance self-esteem and mindset when they are uttered and remembered every day. There are a lot of individuals who have negative thoughts entering their minds which give negative energy in their lives. To counteract such bad vibes, it is best to think of positive thoughts and exhibit a good attitude. This will help get rid of negativity. The first part of successful positive daily affirmations is to complete know and understand who the statement is about. In the example, the statement is about "I". This is very straightforward, yet important. All of your statements should be about yourself. Using "I" is obviously the easiest way to accomplish this, however you can use your own name if it helps you. Instead of "I", you could substitute your name. It isn't important what you call yourself as long as you know that the positive daily affirmations are set to affect you and no one else. Having positive thoughts daily will make you feel good about yourself because you are constantly reminded of how beautiful life is no matter the trials that come your way. You also have a better perspective in life as you have new goals set for yourself. You will also feel less stressed because you no longer worry and fret about things in life. You also have improved relationships with people because only good thoughts cross your mind. When you create positive affirmations in your thoughts and statements, your mind and feelings are improved. You will also develop self-confidence. Always aim for the present and not only for the future. When you have positive affirmations, you will steer your life into a good direction. People who have positive thoughts regularly experience insightful and intense results in their life.Every day, think positive thoughts about the area of your life that you want to improve. You can focus on your career, family, love, health or status in life. Think of good affirmations in these areas and you will see them improving in the future. One example of a daily affirmation statement that I personally used is, "Let me live each moment of this day attentively, consciously and intentionally, with an open mind and an open heart".The basic idea of practicing daily affirmations is to plant positive seeds of thought into your subconscious mind. By doing this you give yourself permission to grow, to change, to take risks, to rise up, and to create a better life for yourself. Its purpose is to create self-awareness by having your spirit guide your thoughts and actions throughout your life instead of having your past tape continue to run your life for you. You can have written down your goals on 3 X 5" cards, and look at them daily. By reading them out loud, everyday, with lots of enthusiasm, it helps to strongly place them into the subconscious mind. When something is in the subconscious mind, it's believed that the subconscious mind helps us with what we continually affirm out loud, with lots of excitement.Also by saying daily affirmations, over, and over, and over again, it helps to build confidence in us. I can't stress enough, the importance of daily affirmations, over the long run. For as we thinketh, we become. One affirmation that I believe helps to improve one's self-esteem, over time, is the repetitive affirmation of "I like myself!" I suggest using that one, writing it down, and saying it out loud with good emotions, a lot daily. That one I suggest saying around sixty times daily with positive emotion.Another affirmation I like is "I feel great!" That one, I believe can make one feel better, and improve confidence over time. I suggest saying that one several times daily.Here's yet another affirmation to use, "I am confident". By saying it out loud daily, with positive emotion, and acting like we are confident, if we aren't yet, I believe that can help one to become more confident. Also by visualizing yourself as being confident, and feeling grateful, and thankful for it, and all other good things. Also act as if whatever you want, as if you already have it, because I believe that helps to put it deeper into the subconscious mind. I bring abundance to those around me.Realize as you begin to attract abundance in your life you are also bringing abundance in to the lives of those around you. The more joy and abundance you experience the more you will also be able to share with those around you. Become a beacon of joy and share it with everyone you encounter.I speak often of abundance and joy.Reinforce the power of abundant thinking by articulating your feelings about joy and abundance as often as possible. The more you talk openly about gratitude and abundance the more you reinforce the affirmation and positive thinking. Your results will increase exponentially as you begin to share the wealth with those around you. I deserve abundance and the joy experienced with it.Understand as a unique human individual you deserve as much joy and abundance as anyone else in the world. These positive experiences aren't reserved for a select few. Instead it is our birth right to develop a mindset tuned to joy and abundance and receive all the good things entitled to every human being who is grateful for all the world has to offer. So what are positive daily affirmations? They are a way to train your mind into thinking good thoughts, which result in a positive outlook on life. They are a way to buoy your spirits and make anything come true, no matter what your heart's desire. These affirmations are also a way to help other like-minded thinkers into sharing your view of life. In short, positive daily affirmations are a set of statements you use to create ideal situations for yourself, no matter what happens that may seem to be an obstacle. About the Author: Learn more about Affirmation as well as Motivational Quotes, now.
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