As many of you know, I have been doing this leadership training blog, Cultivate Greatness for a little over 3 years. Many of you may not know, but this site ranks in the top 10 on Google for the term Leadership Training.
My other company, Advangel, is a social media / search / interactive advertising company, and we have certainly learned alot in the growing of a company. Well now, I have been given the opportunity to begin my leadership development speaking career.
It turns out that this social media thing is pretty fascinating. You can network and "meet" some amazing people out there. One of the people that I reconnected with online, was a friend from grade school, Katie Cullen Hiebert. She moved away from my home town after 7th grade, and hadn't heard from her since 1986.
Well, we reconnected on Facebook, and it turns out that she owns a Speakers Bureau and books motivational speakers!
So we discuss the paths that we both have taken. I told her about my business, Advangel, and I told her about Cultivate Greatness and that I rank for Leadership Training and that I built Cultivate Greatness as a place to share leadership skills and life hacks.
She told me that she had a couple clients looking for someone to do a leadership training seminar with a touch of comedy, and she asked me if I would be interested in doing it. Since then, I have put together a leadership training seminar and developed the course outline and I'm well on my way to becoming a LEADERSHIP TRAINING consultant.
It's amazing how paths ebb and flow. You can reconnect with all of your old buddies and make new connections that uplift your life.
If you are interested in "The Lighter Side of Leadership" Training Seminar, feel free to contact me at: or my "agent" Katie Hiebert :
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