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3 Little Known Chinese Dating Secrets
If you have ever done an online search on how to date Chinese women and attract them to you, you have probably seen the same old information I have about Chinese dating over and over again. As a guy who's lived in China for over eight years I can tell you straight off that the vast majority of information is 'way-off the mark' where present-day Chinese women and dating are concerned at best, and sometimes completely ridiculous in view of some of there presuppositions.It's frequently obvious to me the writers of these articles have never actually dated an actual Chinese woman before, never mind having a broad enough understanding of a culture that is often times contradictory of even itself. Firstly let me say this, there are a wide range of Chinese women obviously, and after having known quite literally thousands from a large cross-section of age groups, careers and personality types, I can tell you that most of the online views simply don't fit the modern-day Chinese female. So, lets take a look at three revealing and unexpected secrets we must know when trying to attract Chinese women to us: 1. Don't pay too much attention to the usual cliches, for example, and these two are annoyingly common ones: 'a Chinese bride or girlfriend will cook you nice dinners' or 'Chinese women are very traditional, don't expect any intimacy too soon, as it will take you a long, long time'. Both of these in view of present-day Chinese society and actual experience are mostly untrue. Many Chinese women I know actually hope the man can cook, and also most definitely prefer it if he can; as for physical intimacy, and not to 'expect it too soon' that rather depends on the Chinese female in question; very few Chinese women are what you would define as 'traditional' these days, regardless of the fact they will often state they are. Find out their true character first. 2. Don't listen to anyone who hasn't actually dated Chinese girls before, and I mean Chinese and not simply 'Asian'. There is no such thing as 'Asian culture' and anyone who suggests there is a one size fits all for all Asian countries simply doesn't understand Chinese culture or Chinese Dating. To really understand Chinese girls know that many repress their true nature because the peer pressure to conform in Chinese society is so strong. Whereas most western women have two layers of character, the public persona and the other only known to intimates, Chinese women are more like onions, peel back one layer and you simply find another and another and yet another layer. This is ironic bearing in mind most Chinese women 'appear' to be more straight forward and simple than western women when you first meet them.3. Don't listen to the advice of Chinese women themselves about attracting/dating them, not because following their advice won't make Chinese women happy, but more because what Chinese females will tell you they want from a man is the same thing they expect from their dad, and I assure you, they don't find their dad that attractive (although I'm sure he is a very 'nice' guy). A Chinese woman will often give the kind of advice that the man should 'give her gifts' and 'take good care of her' (read: money), yet attraction and being dutiful are not the same at all. Unless you want to end up as 'that guy' don't do the whole dutiful boyfriend/husband routine. More Online Dating Secrets Articles
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