Encode of 2010 Vancouver Universal Appear Celebration honorable mention winners: JURIED AWARDSET Canada Reward for Chronicle Canadian Feature Appear (20,000 preference)The jury for the Canadian Metaphors program awarded the ET Canada Reward for Chronicle Canadian Feature Appear and its 20,000 wake preference to director Denis Villeneuve of Quebec for "INCENDIES".The achievement was fixed from eleven films in rush. The jury included Andrea Henning, executive director of Arts and The upper classes for the Sphere of influence of British Columbia; comedian Deborah Kara Unger, the attribute of David Fincher's "THE Prey", Norman Jewison's "Cyclone", David Cronenberg's "Shot", and abundant other films; and respected newspaper columnist, director, producer and tutor Dirty Wilson ("MY AMERICAN COUSIN", "AMERICAN BOYFRIENDS" and "Harmony CATS", to name a few). Regulate Samson, supervising producer of ET Canada, and jury belong to Dirty Wilson, vacant the honorable mention on behalf of ET Canada.The jury singled out "CURLING "by Quebec director Denis C^ot'e; the make public was made by jury belong to Deborah Kara Unger.Supreme Hopeful Better-quality OF A CANADIAN Lacking AppearThe Canadian Metaphors jury has awarded a 2,000 wake honorable mention to director Halima Ouardiri of Quebec for her bright create in your mind "MOKHTAR". The rush was open to unique filmmakers. Board of judges belong to Andrea Henning announced the honorable mention.Lecture theater AWARDSRogers Blue-collar Style Reward"Rubbish Realm" (UK/Brazil), directed by Lucy Hiker, has won the Rogers Blue-collar Style Reward. This UK/Brazilian coproduction follows accepted artist Vik Muniz into his three-year intellectual solidarity with resident recyclers of the world's largest landfill outside of Rio. All of the festival's 359 films - dramas and nonfiction, bright, mid- and piece length - were skilled, and festival-goers chose the most popular create in your mind by rating every create in your mind they saw on a outrage of 1 (poor) to 5 (tremendous). Thor Diakow vacant the honorable mention on behalf of Rogers.VIFF Supreme Burst NONFICTION Appear RewardThe end up chose "KINSHASA Constitution" (Germany), directed by Claus Wischmann and Martin Baer for the VIFF most popular Nonfiction Appear Reward. This German create in your mind set in the Open Republic of Congo shows how people rouse in one of the most chaotic cities in the world find joy by playing representation music.VIFF Supreme Burst Canadian Appear Reward"Two Indians Verbal communication" (Canada/BC) directed by Sara McIntyre, won the VIFF Supreme Burst Canadian Appear Reward. "TWO INDIANS Verbal communication" is director Sara McIntyre's opening put up with on the relationship of two first nations cousins. Take into account for bang stereotypes and some great performances by Nathaniel Arcand and Justin Precipitation. The honorable mention was announced by Canadian Metaphors programmer Terry McEvoy.NFB Supreme Burst Canadian Documentary Reward"Fiber Them Laughing" (BC) directed by John Zaritsky, won the NFB's Supreme Burst Canadian Documentary honorable mention and a preference of 2,500 in NFB ritual armed forces just before their neighboring create in your mind. "Fiber THEM Laughing" is director John Zaritsky's enthralling documentary about Carla Zilbersmith's struggle with the ingrained menace, ALS. Zaritsky captures Carla's candour and her unforeseen abide by of humour in a sincerely unfunny situation.VIFF Inexperienced Appear Lecture theater Reward"Legitimacy of Nature: The David Suzuki Draw" (Canada),directed by Sturla Gunnarsson,has won the VIFF Inexperienced Appear Lecture theater Reward. Preservationist and scientist David Suzuki serves as hardened filmmaker Sturla Gunnarsson's affair in this realize, deep-reaching supply of the Canadian icon's life. Gunnarsson shows how Suzuki's relationship with his beginning and the family's detention appearing in WWII gave Suzuki a abide by that history matters and helped grace his uncomplimentary thinking as an "outsider." The honorable mention was announced by festival director Alan Franey.One time ANNOUNCED AWARDSDRAGONS & TIGERS Reward FOR Emergent CINEMAThe 10,000 Dragons & Tigers Reward for Emergent Films, which is considerately supported by donors Brad Birarda and Robert Sali, went to Hirohara SATORU of Japan for "Advantageous Begin TO THE WORLD!". Open to the director of a agile and unique create in your mind from East Asia that has not yet won representative international notoriety, the honorable mention was in advance announced on October 7th. The splendid jury was comprised of Mr. BONG Joon Ho, accepted director of films "THE Territorial army", "Father "and a 2000 runner-up in Dragons Mr. Denis C^ot'e, an respected director whose create in your mind "CURLING "was screened at VIFF this year; and Mr. JIA Zhangke, leading director of China's "Sixth Generation", whose 1998 create in your mind "XIAO WU" was a Dragons & Tigers achievement, and whose "I Envisage I KNEW" was screened at VIFF this blind date. They intended eight films in rush.WOMEN IN Appear & Test VANCOUVER Gifted Value RewardWomen in Appear & Test Vancouver vacant its Gifted Value Reward to April Telek, lead the person responsible for in "AMAZON Torrent". WIFTV honorable mention governing body belong to Mary Frymire vacant the honorable mention, which is liable annually to a B.C. woman filmmaker or artist of alternative whose work appeared at VIFF this blind date.
Source: quickpua.blogspot.com
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